Mainly books and reading

There is little point reading an entire library if you have forgotten all about the aardvark by the time you get to the abalone.Nick Bostrom 2014 Superintelligence

This site is mainly about books and reading. It is primarily intended as my own memory aid, to document to my future self what I found interesting in what I have read, and in so doing, to hopefully improve my memory of it. Content includes some fiction including science fiction but more non-fiction, especially science-related.

The first of these pages were created in November 2015 but post dates are the date I first read the book, not necessarily the date the file was posted. Some dates are speculative (books on the in-tray). Some are as yet empty, to be gradually filled from emails and other sources. Most entries from earlier than 2015 will be based on re-reading. Titles followed by an asterisk are empty placeholders with reviews yet to be entered.

Notes on books and reading are arranged chronologically under the journal link, and also by notional category. The category "software for websites" documents the main tools used to build this site. A few biographical links are here also under the about header link and some other projects will appear also.

Since November 2022 I'm also on Mastodon

Since April 2024 moved offline